Before & After: An Organized Client Office Project

Every have one of those days where you can’t find anything in your office, things are cluttered, unorganized and your overall energy starts to feel like that too?  Check out the Before & After Client Office project that went from cluttered and unorganized to organized, calm and serene in one day!   Tips you can use at home.

Client Office Project before


The clients small room had many functions, it is an office, a sewing room, storage for office supplies; gift wrapping; space to do yoga; space to work on the computer.  And if your like most people it doesn’t start off this way but life, kids and a busy schedule happen and everything becomes a mishmash.  Side note, we’ve all been there but the good news there is a solution!


Here’s the ‘before’ organization

Before & After: An Organized Client Office Project


Before & After: An Organized Client Office Project

Before & After: An Organized Client Office Project


Before & After: An Organized Client Office Project


Before & After: An Organized Client Office Project



First thing I did was clear the room of all the contents except the furniture so we could get a fresh perspective of the room without everything in it.   We grouped items into three categories.

  • One: sewing materials
  • Two: papers, books and office supplies
  • Three: Gifts, boxes, cards and gift bags


Once everything was out of the room, the tall armoire was going to used for all the stuff you don’t want to see.  So I organized all the office supplies on one shelf.   Grouped all her reusable gift bags together as well as future gifts that she was storing for upcoming birthdays etc.  The luggage and bags needed to be tucked away as well as some other office materials that lived neatly in the bottom shelf.    Your items might be different but the idea is to group like items with like items.     It was a lot of work and things can get messy before they get better so hang in there if your doing it alone.   It’s important to note not to get overwhelmed in the process 😉


Before I loaded everything back into the room I organized the furniture layout to function better


Before & After: An Organized Client Office Project


This layout worked so much better.  She can now easily move from the computer, to the filing cabinet to the printer easier and with less effort. The clients desk and filing cabinet are now all on one wall. The armoire moved to the other side balances out the room.  Before the armoire was blocking the window so looked like it was too crowded on the one wall with the sewing machine.


Check out the Afters.  Neat, organized and all the things she needs to do her work at home are still within easy access.   The new chair addition, makes for a comfortable place to sit, visit and talk with family while working.  It’s so cozy, I want to work in this space.

Before & After: An Organized Client Office Project


Before & After: An Organized Client Office Project


Before & After: An Organized Client Office Project


Before & After: An Organized Client Office Project

Do you remember this picture frame piece that was just on the floor. Now it’s hung and ready for the photo’s to be added 🙂

Before & After: An Organized Client Office Project



Three cheers for organization, organization, organization. Even the family dog likes it!  🙂

Before & After: An Organized Client Office Project


One last look back at the ‘Before’


Before & After: An Organized Client Office Project


After’ Final Reveal Before & After: An Organized Client Office Project


Before & After: An Organized Client Office Project

TAKEAWAY TIP: Shop your house for pictures, collectibles and decorative items. everything in this redesigned office was there before only rearranged to better suit the space.   


 Organizing your space isn’t always easy but once you have a place for things it’s easier to put things back where they belong.  This clients home office now has a fresh start and better functionality overall for working at home.  Want or need a redesign for your office space look me up and let’s get you organized.


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