Hi, this is me 🙂 Trying out a vlog or video blog. Here’s my first test video and preamble to our Kitchen renovation. I debated on whether to post this or not, because when I view it I can see about 100 things I could have said differently or changed but you know what… If I tried it again there would still be something I wouldn’t like and I would keep recording until it was perfect and what’s the charm in that.
So, there you go ‘It’s real, it’s raw and it’s me’ … I AM what I AM lol 🙂 …. check out my Part One to our Galley Kitchen Renovation here.
The sun was so bright coming in it makes my face look all weird …. 😛 practise makes perfect so I’ll be trying one of these again soon.
~ If you have any video tips for me leave them in the comments below. Just one thing I’ll ask is ‘be kind ‘ lol ~